Cialis Super Active

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For most of life, men don’t have problems with potency. Having sex is a completely natural thing, and the ability to achieve an erection should be seen as an integral part of a normal healthy life. But because of various physiological and psychological factors, natural male power often begins to weaken. Gradually, this leads to the fact that an erection becomes an unattainable goal. This condition of the physician is called erectile dysfunction or impotence. Problems in sexual life can manifest themselves in different ways. For example, doctors classify ED as light, medium and heavy. But in any case, in order not to aggravate the problem, it is necessary to engage in treatment. One of the best remedies in this case are medications with tadalafil.

The advantages of Cialis Super Active in Capsules

Capsules for Cialis Super Active potency are more effective. The active substance in them is in an easily digestible gelatinous form. Therefore, the drug begins to act much faster.

Advantages of Cialis Super Active capsules:

  • Prompt action. Cialis Super Active begins to function in 20-25 minutes. When other medicines are just “thinking”, it is already working.
  • No restrictions in the diet. To take capsules for potency, you don’t need to give up your favorite dishes. The medical formula of the new generation doesn’t interact with any food.
  • Cost-effective. The drug Cialis Super Active is cheaper than popular “Cialis”. In this case, the effect of both drugs is similar.
  • This tool has 100% reliability. After taking the tablets the erectile dysfunction there will have no chance.
  • Long period of validity. The active substance Tadalafil “works” up to 36 hours (depends on the psychological and physiological state). During this period, sexual contact with a partner will invariably lead to a permanent erection.
  • Easy tolerability. The drug is easily transferred, quickly excreted from the body.
  • Positive impact on self-esteem. One of the most negative effects of erectile dysfunction is a decrease in self-esteem. Successful sexual intercourse best removes from a state of stress.

Tablets Cialis Super Active positively affect the emotional, psychological, physiological state.

Cialis Super Active, will amaze you with its quick operation only after expiration of 10-15 minutes after its acceptance and the effect will not make you wait for a long time. A long and continuous erection will provide you the longest sexual marathon in your life.

Cialis Super Active

Cialis Super Active

$2.00 /pillBuy now

As a reminder, this drug is absolutely harmless for your organism and practically does not have any contraindications.

Side effects

Among the undesirable effects headaches and dyspepsia are most often the most prominent, which in the percentage of fixation cases is 11.7%.

Numerous studies of the side effects suggest that most of the adverse effects associated with the administration of Cialis medication were in most cases completely harmless, sometimes reaching average values on a scale of manifestations, sometimes there were temporary effects that decreased with continued use of the tablets.

The main side effect of taking any Tadalafil-containing medicines is a headache approximately 5-8 hours after ingestion. Other standard non-desirable manifestations of tablets from the reception were pain in the dorsal region, myalgia, rhinitis of the nasal cavity and inflow of blood vessels to the skin of the face. Quite rarely it was possible to observe – swelling of eyelids, sharp pains in the eye area, and dizziness.


“Cialis Super Active” is unsafe for women and men under the age of 18 years. The drug is not recommended for athletes during preparation for competitions, taxi drivers and all people whose activities are associated with concentration of attention.

It is also not recommended to take medicine if:

  • heart failure, frequent heart attacks, persistent chest pain;
  • propensity to priapism;
  • serious problems with the kidneys and liver;
  • blood cancer.

It is forbidden to take the drug together with drugs, donators of nitrogen, other means to restore potency.


The maximum daily dose of Cialis Super Active is 20 mg (1 tablet). When it exceeds, the appearance of side effects increases. Therefore, don’t do this in any case. Moreover, this dosage is enough to achieve an erection and pleasure from sex for a long time.

Storage conditions

Cialis Super Active should be stored in a dry, ventilated place at normal room temperature. Do not allow children or pets to take the medicine.

Prepare to meet with your partner in advance, having purchased Cialis Super Active from us in the internet-drugstore at the accessible price. Indeed you will feel super-sure at any moment and will be ready for a fight, no one will catch you flatfooted – if you have by yourself in the pocket or at home the drug Cialis Super Active. You and your ladylove will remain satisfied with a sexual travel which will be presented by this magic pellet.